Turin, Italy
Turin, Italy

Turin, Italy

Flag Italy

Turin, Italy

Region: Piedmont
Metropolitan City of Turin (TO)


Dates: 1st week of November 2021
Purpose: Install the first simulators following the launch of Virteasy Dental V2 at Turin University
Turin was an incredibly pretty town that I’ve been to a couple of times now. The university actually has the dental department based within a shopping mall that itself is within an old Fiat factory. There’s a track on the roof (that you can go for a morning run on!) that they used to test the cars on before driving them down the spiral route to the showroom on the bottom floor.

I highly recommend staying at NH Lingotto and eating from Pizza Vol (a little hole in the wall for takeaway pizzas) if you go that way.

The roads as you drive into Turin seem a little bit odd at first, there seems to be parallel roads all the time, one for driving and one, presumably for parking. You also have to be careful not to miss turnings for a parallel road that goes underground and takes you somewhere else. It’s definitely more suited to tourism on foot, metro and bus which are all easy to navigate and not expensive.
Although most of the week was focused on making sure the launch of the new simulator was successful, I managed to venture into town a couple of times. Once was to visit the Jazz Club, which was a great experience; they had two guys on stage playing and signing various songs. During the night they had guests join them on stage who might be playing the harmonica, or the flute, or beat-boxing. It was a really great night.
As for the work, everything was a success (as usual, thankfully!) and I was happy to spend some time with one of my colleagues who I didn’t know very well. Spending 10 hours in a van together is definitely a good way to get to know someone. I earned the nick-name Wreck It James thanks to my ability to break everything. Thankfully, with a coup de chance, everything always seems to get fixed and be better than it was before I wreck it (thanks team!).
Unfortunately I had to cancel a Bumble date, and a trip to Milan, due to some last minute technical challenges involving the internal network, but nevertheless, I got everything done that I needed to and enjoyed my stay in Turin and look forward to returning next time.


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